Our Mission Statement
We strive towards practical solutions that create equitable work experiences in the entertainment industry for people of all backgrounds. Our goal is to disrupt the traditional power structure of our field by sharing knowledge, community support, and reputable resources. In doing so we hope to empower all entertainment industry members.
We believe that our industry has the ability to affect societal change, and recognize that this power is directly correlated to the harm it has caused historically through a lack of representation and the perpetuation of false narratives. We wish to contribute to the undoing of the knot we’ve helped to tie with our work.
We each endeavor to come to the table without preconceived notions, receptive to experiences different than ours, and ready to accept new knowledge. We each endeavor to speak openly and honestly based on the information we have at the time. We each endeavor to receive other members in good faith.
Our goal is to go about our work secure in the mutual agreement that this mission statement unifies our members, regardless of our divergent experiences. We embrace a culture of learning, free exchange of ideas, openness, and vulnerability in the work that we do.
educate. advocate. amplify.